HR Director Blog

Category: HRIS
Results: 1 to 10 of 10

Filling the Gap: Managing Absenteeism in the New Millennium

How HR Responds to the MIA

What ‘Lean’ Means Many businesses these days operate as ‘lean and mean’ as possible to save themselves unnecessary labour costs. This staffing model works wonderfully, as long as everybody shows up every day. We all know, however, ...

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Tags: staffing

Why Today's HR Needs Automated Systems

Harold and Harriet: Opposite Ends of the HR Tech Spectrum

(HRD) - Harold and Harriet are two harried HR honchos that work for competing oilfield businesses. Harold has been in the industry since Leduc Number One blew in, back in the 1940’s. Harriet, on the other hand, is fresh from university. What she ...

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Categories: HRMS HRIS Hiring

Union Compliance From an HR Perspective

(HRD) - As a modern manager of a mid-sized company, you know that employee safety is a partnership between four different entities within your organization. These four entities consist of: The Management Group that funds training for employees, Labour ...

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HR Professional Associations: The Importance of Belonging

(HRD) - As a busy Human Resources specialist you know for the majority of your day, there are more issues on your plate than you always have time for. If you’re looking to cut corners in your daily duties to squeeze more work into your week, ignoring ...

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HR and the Happy Workplace

Physical and Mental Health Solutions For Today’s Modern Employers

(HRD) - Happy, healthy, well-adjusted employees are an essential part of best business practises in the new millennium. Caring about the well-being of your staff is not only a moral imperative for modern companies but makes sound economic sense in the ...

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Industrial NetMedia: HR Director Developer Receives Endorsement

HR Director is a product driven by the needs of Ironhand Drilling and the Energy Sector.

(HRD) – Operating in Western Canada, Ironhand Drilling is a drilling contractor founded on July 11th, 2006.  They are known to provide their clients with the highest levels of safety, service, integrity and commitment. Since 2006, Ironhand ...

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When HR Meets SM: Hiring Staff in a Web-Based World

Anti-Social Media

(HRD) - The stories have been around so long, they are hardly even news anymore. You know the tale; a promising potential employee being considered for a position is suddenly denied the career opportunity after an inquisitive Human Resources manager creeps ...

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Rigging Industry and High Turnover.

How to flip the Coin in Your Company’s Favour.

(HRD) - It’s no secret that oil and gas companies that hire employees to work on job sites experience significantly higher turnover rate than other industries. Hiring new employees is expensive because they require orientation, training, uniforms, ...

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Change Management: A key issue in tackling Challenges

Continuity can be key for employee retention.

(HRD) - Whether you are managing human resources in a small or large company, the challenges you face can be daunting if the procedures and the mechanisms are not in place to streamline your efforts. Today's HR Managers deal with many challenges, ...

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How will this Technology Affect Your Organization?

HR plays a key role in any organization.

(HRD) - HR is a people centric profession. It thrives on interaction and communication that supersedes all departmental silos and hierarchical convention. This is because of the key role that the HR department plays in organization. Over time though, ...

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