HR Director Blog

Tag: humor
Results: 1 to 4 of 4

Punctuality in the Workplace; Excuses, Excuses

Photo: People still wear watches?

“(All) the while we keep a man waiting, he reflects on our shortcomings.” - Proverbs I recall, eons ago, when I was a warehouse manager for a large multi-national tool and fastener company, we had a guy, Ed we’ll call him, who was often ...

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Categories: Human Resources

How HR Exit Interviews Are Like Breaking Up With Your Crush

Letting someone go is probably the most difficult and emotionally demanding aspect of any Human Resources Director. Despite rumours to the contrary, no HR manager worth their salt takes any joy in the process. Despite disgruntled employees' over-wrought ...

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Next Generation Shift Scheduling Software and Why You Need It

Drowning in Paper? There's a Better Way!

In the beginning there was work The first person in the history of the world to be involved in shift scheduling was a guy named Grank. He was responsible for making sure that someone was always tending the fire; keeping it burning all day and all night. ...

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HR Timeline from 4 Billion BC to Present

The Great Pyramids; Another HR Success Story

4,000,000,000 BC; Primordial Soup, Africa – A single-celled organism named Bob was appointed HR director for a group of amoebas. He formed them into a cohesive team which developed into the world’s first multi-cellular organism. This entity ...

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