HR Director Blog

Category: Human Resources
Results: 1 to 10 of 33

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: What you Need to Know

Are your employees scared to report sexual harassment?

  Employees are too scared to Report Sexual Harassment to Human Resource Departments New research study shows to reveal exactly how alarming things have gotten when it comes to workers' confidence in Human Resources to properly manage unwanted ...

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Categories: Human Resources

Popular HR Trend You Should Be Doing

  Canadian Employers are Spending More on this Popular HR Trend Canadian companies are spending extra in learning and also growth of their employees and are quickly catching up to their United States equivalents, the Conference Board of Canada's ...

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Categories: Human Resources

Are Chip Implants the Future of HR Automation?

There is no question that Human Resource Management Systems, (HRMS) are an essential tool for any company’s HR department. The advantages of automating mundane tasks such as onboarding, outfitting and monitoring of sick days, holidays and so forth, ...

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Categories: HRMS Human Resources

Selling to the CEO – The Case for HR Software

As a Human Resource professional in the new millennium, you know the stakes have never been higher for properly onboarding new employees, providing ongoing workforce monitoring and maintaining morale, while supporting a safe workplace.  You’ve ...

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HR is About Walking a Fine Line

What's the Problem Here? For many employees, the HR department is bad news in its purest form. Human Resources people are viewed as the Grim Reapers of the company just waiting for staff members to slip up so they can fire their fannies with glee. ...

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How Hiring Has Changed in 30 Short Years

It's All About Legalities

When “Green” Meant “Inexperienced”, Not “Environmentally Aware” Thinking back on one of my very first job interviews, I am amazed at the changes that have occurred in hiring procedures and corporate human asset management ...

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What Canadian Bosses Can and Cannot Do To Staff

Photo: Definitely a No No

The Great Divide – Not So Great For Morale (HRD) There is little doubt there is a large divide (Grand Canyon pics may provide a visual of the size of the gap) between what employers feel is justified, in maintaining the diligence of their staff, ...

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Humour Hits the HR World

(HRD) HR managers are usually serious folk. They take their responsibilities to heart, given that the employees in their care expect diligence, professionalism and dedication to duty. But Human Resource specialists are human, too. In the constant pressure ...

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Tags: HR humour

Workplace Sexual Harassment; 7 Steps Toward 'Doing the Right Thing'

The right call is to be fair to all

Recently in Canada, sexual harassment in the workplace has become front page news due to the high-profile incidents with some of our Members of Parliament, as well as the allegations, as yet unproved in court, concerning CBC radio host, Jian Ghomeshi. ...

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Punctuality in the Workplace; Excuses, Excuses

Photo: People still wear watches?

“(All) the while we keep a man waiting, he reflects on our shortcomings.” - Proverbs I recall, eons ago, when I was a warehouse manager for a large multi-national tool and fastener company, we had a guy, Ed we’ll call him, who was often ...

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Categories: Human Resources


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