HR Director Blog

Tag: hiring
Results: 1 to 10 of 11

The reason why your best employees are leaving

Maintaining good staff is becoming harder and harder.

Ever Wondered Why Good Employees Leave? Retention, retention, retention; the holy grail of Human Resources. Whilst lots of companies concentrate on bringing in leading skills and talents to their business, some fail to remember to follow this by maintaining ...

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Categories: Hiring

HR is About Walking a Fine Line

What's the Problem Here? For many employees, the HR department is bad news in its purest form. Human Resources people are viewed as the Grim Reapers of the company just waiting for staff members to slip up so they can fire their fannies with glee. ...

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How Hiring Has Changed in 30 Short Years

It's All About Legalities

When “Green” Meant “Inexperienced”, Not “Environmentally Aware” Thinking back on one of my very first job interviews, I am amazed at the changes that have occurred in hiring procedures and corporate human asset management ...

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What Canadian Bosses Can and Cannot Do To Staff

Photo: Definitely a No No

The Great Divide – Not So Great For Morale (HRD) There is little doubt there is a large divide (Grand Canyon pics may provide a visual of the size of the gap) between what employers feel is justified, in maintaining the diligence of their staff, ...

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Punctuality in the Workplace; Excuses, Excuses

Photo: People still wear watches?

“(All) the while we keep a man waiting, he reflects on our shortcomings.” - Proverbs I recall, eons ago, when I was a warehouse manager for a large multi-national tool and fastener company, we had a guy, Ed we’ll call him, who was often ...

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Categories: Human Resources

Next Generation Shift Scheduling Software and Why You Need It

Drowning in Paper? There's a Better Way!

In the beginning there was work The first person in the history of the world to be involved in shift scheduling was a guy named Grank. He was responsible for making sure that someone was always tending the fire; keeping it burning all day and all night. ...

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A Gift For the HRD; Selections From the SafetySpot Library

Great content for HR Specialists and Safety Officers

As an HR specialist, the topic of staff safety is never far from your focus. To illuminate some of the issues regarding safety in the workplace, here are some of our best blogs from Industrial NetMedia’s SafetySpot website for you to enjoy. Their ...

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13 Terrific Tips for Improving Retention

Say "No More" to the Revolving Door

Show Me More Than Just the Money! No matter the size or profitability, if a company depends on employees to make money, retention strategies should be an important focus. However, many corporations (over 50% according to research by US business consultant ...

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HR Timeline from 4 Billion BC to Present

The Great Pyramids; Another HR Success Story

4,000,000,000 BC; Primordial Soup, Africa – A single-celled organism named Bob was appointed HR director for a group of amoebas. He formed them into a cohesive team which developed into the world’s first multi-cellular organism. This entity ...

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Does HR Outsourcing and Automation Threaten Your Job?

(HRD) If you stay current with the business news, you will see that lately, there has been a spate of articles concerning HR in the new millennium. They feature perspectives from a range of business experts, most of which claim that, although HR may be ...

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